Original Editorial WFP: Weingarten's Fake Protestors dated March 28, 2007....page 30
I'm not from New Jersey, nor a member of the Working Family Party but I am the proud parent of a student at MS 210 in Ozone Park.
I support the City Council resolution calling for Mayor Bloomberg to postpone the upcoming school-reorganization plan. I feel parents have been excluded from any substantive discussion on the future of our children's schools. Why the rush..?
I know parents were outraged at the Chancellor's recent school bus debacle which led to many youngsters being stranded in the streets.
And, isn't it ridiculous to start such a program in the middle of the winter..?
Parents have barely gotten used to the reforms instituted a few years ago. Nor have those reforms been assessed or evaluated to determine if they benefited our children.
Where is the accountability..?
This isn't about Randi Weingarten or the UFT this is about the Mayor and the POST disrespecting parents by not seeking out real parents of real students for our opinions.
Our voices can be found at the Chancellors Parents Advisory Council, any Community Education Council or Parents Association meeting in the City of New York. I invite the Mayor and the Post to the next District 27 CEC meeting.
Let's see if they print my response...