Friday, November 30, 2007

Time Out From Testing - Protest the School Report Card Grades Now! -- Time Out From Testing

Time Out From Testing website

Protest the School Report Card Grades Now!

You can Sign the petition online now!

Please also download the fact sheet to hand out to people and get as many signatures as possible on the petition. Anyone can sign: colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc. We want to gather thousands!

A Spanish version of the petition is now available!

The Petition Against School Report Cards

We, the undersigned, are deeply committed to providing a high quality education for all our students. We support the need for school accountability and the Department of Education's efforts to recognize schools that make progress with struggling students. However, we are deeply disturbed by the new DOE school progress reports.

By awarding a school a grade from A to F, the progress report trivializes the complexity of teaching and learning. It is a punitive system that ultimately hurts, not helps, schools. Some of our major concerns are that the report card:

  • overemphasizes testing.
  • will potentially drive schools into doing even more test prep at the expense of real learning.
  • is based on an unfairly narrow definition of progress.
  • is based on a curve so that there will always be losers.
  • ignores actual student growth from one grade to the next as measured by a variety of assessments.
  • uses an extremely complicated formula that prevents transparency.
  • constructs peer groups that are inherently unfair to many schools.
  • ignores the myriad aspects that make a great school, e.g., individualized instruction, cooperative learning, and community building.
  • ignores classroom subjects such as art, music, languages and physical education, and extracurricular activities and clubs.
  • demoralizes whole school communities that have worked hard for the success of their schools.

We support an annual school report that is transparent, accessible, comprehensive, and non-punitive.


Please return any signed petitions as soon as possible to:
Jane Hirschmann, Time Out From Testing
175 W. 93rd St.
NYC, NY 10025
Thanks for doing your part to fight the DOE School Report Cards!