Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dad Returns Stolen Chalices to Queens Church, Prompting Son to Confess by Oren Yaniv - NY Daily News

Read original...Stolen chalices were returned to St. Helen's Church in Howard Beach. Barcelo for News

Two stolen chalices were returned to a Queens church by a man whose son was then charged with the burglary that shocked the parish two weeks ago.

Thomas Kurplewski told the Daily News his 20-year-old son Theodore confessed a few days ago to swiping the prized items - and that he and his friend wanted to give them back.

"Remorse was immediately felt," Kurplewski said of his son. "He's a good Christian man."

When the elder Kurplewski and his buddy showed up at the rectory of St. Helen's Church in Howard Beach on Tuesday night - holding a plastic bag with the loot - they told a different story.

The Rev. Alfred LoPinto said Kurplewski claimed he'd just bought the cups outside a nearby housing project.

LoPinto called cops, who questioned Kurplewski and eventually arrested the son. Theodore Kurplewski was awaiting arraignment Wednesday night.

The chalices were stolen, along with $150 from the poor box, in the Feb. 26 break-in. One worth $1,000 was given to LoPinto during a visit to Rome. The other, valued at $13,000, belongs to the vicar, the Rev. Robert Keighron.

It was an ordination gift from his parents and is supposed to be used for the rest of his life.

"That's why I'm so overjoyed it has been returned," Keighron said. "More than the monetary value, it has a tremendous amount of sentimental value.

"Whoever did it, in my heart, is completely forgiven," Keighron said. "But justice, in whatever way, also has to be done."