Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5th Annual Jamaica Bay Birding Festival Coming Soon!

The 5th Annual Jamaica Bay Shorebird Festival sponsored by the American Littoral Society and New York City Audubon is coming soon.

Here is a brief schedule of events.

August 14th, 2010

9:00am Coffee and Donuts

9:30am Don Riepe Slideshow presentation on history of the bay and problems we're facing.

10am – 11:45am Guided walks to both the East and West Pond.

12pm Break for lunch (bring you own, there are picnic tables or both Howard Beach and Broad Channel have several places to find food and drink.

1pm Lloyd Spitalnik will present a slideshow on the "Shorebirds of Jamaica Bay"

1:30pm Guided walk on the north end of the East Pond (bring rubber boots or the like.

4pm Kevin Karlson will present Shorebirds by Impression: A Different Approach to Field ID, (60 minutes)

Agenda is subject to change

A $20 donation is requested.

For reservations please call the American Littoral Society at 718-318-9344 or email Don

Sunday, August 15th

Kevin Karlson and Lloyd Spitalnik will be conducting two field workshops limited to 15 per session.

1. ID workshop from 8:30am -1130 am.

2.Photography Workshop from 4pm-7pm.

Rubber boots are a smart idea for both workshops, waders are a great idea for the photography workshop.

For more information on these opportunities,reservations and fees please visit