Friday, February 18, 2011

Coalition for the Homeless on Bloomberg Budget Eliminating Advantage Funding

The Coalition for the Homeless released the following statement today from Executive Director Mary Brosnahan on Mayor Bloomberg's proposed budget, which would completely eliminate funding for the Advantage homelessness program:

"The Mayor's proposal to defund the failed Advantage program would put an end to a disastrous experiment that the city's own data shows has become little more than a revolving door back to homelessness. Fortunately the City and State have Federal housing resources available to help move homeless families from costly shelters to permanent housing -- and these programs don't cost New York taxpayers a dime.

But without replacing Advantage with the Federal programs, Mayor Bloomberg's administration would become the first in modern history to have no plan whatsoever for moving people out of the city's homeless shelters. That would trigger even further overcrowding in shelters and needless suffering for thousands of families.

Instead, in this time of record homelessness, the city must replace Advantage with the proven and cost-effective policy of giving qualified homeless families priority access to public housing vacancies and federal rent subsidy programs like Section 8. By giving the homeless permanent, supportive, and affordable housing the city can both save taxpayer money and help thousands of people rebuild their lives."