This is a must read from James Moore on the Huffington Post entitled “More Craven Than Karl” about former Karl Rove assistant, Matthew Dowd's mea culpa on for assisting the Bush Administration in the NY Times today “Ex-Aide Says He’s Lost Faith in Bush”...
Some of key points in his blog are:
"Dowd seems to believe that he can play a role in destroying families with an immoral war and then simply earn forgiveness by saying, "I'm sorry." Through two elections, he brought polling science, strategic thinking, and political advantage to a president determined to accumulate executive power by marginalizing the constitution, and now Dowd thinks expressing sensitivity and remorse in an interview with a newspaper will absolve him of his sins. It does not. And he ought not be trusted. He showed poor judgment by joining Bush and he is equally wrongheaded with his latest public admissions." and;
"Perhaps, if Dowd and other Republicans supporting Bush's war had thought about the children of other families as much as they do their own, we might not be in Iraq."
Here's an Op/Ed from Moore from the LA Times on March 23rd, “Don't expect the truth from Karl Rove” is excellent too
Video from the Times report can be found here...”Former Adviser Breaks with Bush”
From HuffPost bio:
James Moore is an Emmy-winning former television news correspondent and the co-author of the bestselling, Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential. He has been writing and reporting from Texas for the past 25 years on the rise of Rove and Bush and has traveled extensively on every presidential campaign since 1976. He is currently writing a book on the long term consequences for America of Bush and Rove policies, which will be published next year.