Thursday, July 10, 2008

Letter To The Editor - Bike for Freedom by David M. Quintana - Queens Chronicle

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Bike For Freedom

Dear Editor:

I think that with the present price of gas and with the City’s antiquated transportation system, we should be looking into all possible alternatives to rid
personal vehicles from our streets.

Here in Queens, unless you’re traveling to Manhattan, the public transportation system can be impossible to navigate or get where you’re going.There is a dearth of cross-borough buses and all of the train lines are geared to deliver riders in and out of Manhattan. Parking in our neighborhoods is intolerable and the traffic on the roads is insufferable.I’ve seen many a bike rider pass cars stuck in our frequent traffic jams and get to their destination well ahead of the gas-guzzling autos.

As a city and a nation we should be doing all we can to break our dependence on oil from the Middle East. I feel this dependency is damaging our quality of life here in America. It also has our soldiers fighting wars in far flung countries in pursuit of oil for large multi-national energy conglomerates in the guise of bringing freedom to the area.

It is for these reasons and many others that I support the building of bike lanes in Queens and throughout the city.

David M. Quintana
Ozone Park, NY