Sunday, March 27, 2011

Noose Found Hanging Outside Apt Building, Near School by Francesca Maxime - WPIX

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It's a disturbing reminder of hate, in Howard Beach. A noose was found hanging from a tree outside an apartment complex, and right near Walter Ward elementary school, Wednesday. The noose was not on school property, however.

People who live in the Lindenwood section of Howard Beach were surprised to learn someone had hung a noose in this day and age. One mother who'd lived in the neighborhood for 46 years said she was 'shocked,' and concerned because her son attends Walter Ward. Another resident said that while the neighborhood had experienced racial tensions int he past, he thought people living in this diverse area, now got along.

Senator Shirley Huntley had this to say about the incident: 'We know all too well that symbols of hatred fuel an atmosphere of intolerance and anger that can endanger lives. That is why it is disturbing to hear that a noose was hung from a tree near a public school in Lindenwood. I am outraged by this evil display. It is a painful reminder of the darkest chapters in our nation's history and proof that we must remain vigilant.'

Senator Huntley also thanked area police officers, for investigating the incident as a possible hate crime."