Plays key role in historic win!
Barack Obama created history in a big way, and helped Democrats across the board in the recent elections. But right here in Queens, the burgeoning diverse community of Richmond Hill and Ozone Park turned out in huge numbers to help him write that chapter in the history in America, and proved that they are a strong voting bloc and a force to be reckoned with. But the impact was more crucial in two very important races. In 2006, with 49% of the votes, community advocate and lawyer Albert Baldeo almost upset the 20 year incumbent Republican State Senator and Party Chairman Serph Maltese, and his groundbreaking campaign provided the linchpin for Councilman Addabbo's impressive victory this year.
Baldeo, at the behest of the Democratic party leadership, threw his support behind then term limited Councilman Joe Addabbo, who, as the Chair of the Labor and Civil Service Committees and the son of the legendary Congressman. Baldeo's mobilizing his base behind Joe Addabbo and Liz Crowley, proved decisive in changing the political landscape for Democrats, and was a major factor in winning these important seats.
Baldeo's leadership and team play led to Democrats avoiding a divisive and costly primary, and saved them over a million dollars, which proved to be a significant factor in them taking control of the State Senate for the first time since 1965. Apart from his endorsement, Baldeo put his resources behind Addabbo in a way never seen before in Queens politics, and gave the Addabbo campaign significant resources in office space, volunteers, visibility, getting out the vote, holding rallies, fundraising and registering new voters. "When Albert threw his support behind me," Addabbo said, "my chances surged, and we knew that, together, we would defeat him soundly." Over 2,000 union workers and volunteers were strategically deployed from Baldeo's law offices throughout election day, which blanketed the entire district, and provided the pivot for Democrats to create history and take back the State Senate majority.
In the other important race, Baldeo endorsed and assisted Democrat Liz Crowley to defeat Republican City Councilman Anthony Como by nearly 4,000 votes. The Councilwoman elect, whose parents both served on the City Council before her, campaigned with Baldeo heavily in the Richmond Hill/Ozone Park community, parts of which are in her district, and received a significant boost which helped her pull off a stunning and impressive upset against the incumbent Como.
A visibly pleased Congressman, Joe Crowley, the visionary and charismatic Chairman of the Queens Democratic Organization, and new State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith, were loud in their praises for our community's
The union that busted Serf-"We all owe you big time, Albert!" Baldeo endorses and throws his support and resources behind fellow Democrat Joe Addabbo, at the behest of party leaders. From left are: Dr. Baldeo, Congressman Greg Meeks, new State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith, Albert Baldeo, Joe Addabbo, District Leader Frank Galluscio and Congressman Joe Crowley
"Thank you for your help, Albert!"
Councilwoman elect Liz Crowley thanks Albert Baldeo for his help as Civil leader Bob Holden and Campaign manager James Wu look on appreciatively 

GOTV: Bringing out the vote-Addabbo with State Senator Serrano, Attorney Baldeo and other community organizers. The Addabbo bus was very visible throughout Richmond Hill and Ozone Park
Addabbo/Baldeo v. Maltese-the rest is history!
The merger of Albert Baldeo's base with Joe Addabbo's resulted in a landslide against Serf Maltese
Working Families Party, TWU, Unite Here, Local 891, 32BJ, NYHTC, Hotel Trades, Local 1180, AFL-CIO, Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW all came out for Joe!
"A man for all seasons!"
David Quintana, your host, who worked hard on the Baldeo Campaign in 2006, made sure that Serf did not squeak by and was down this time-for good! Bravo, David!
The plan to blanket the entire district being discussed
Baldeo advises with the campaign strategy to beat Maltese in ground operations
Albert and Nick Monteleone put together visibility posters
Volunteers are energized by Baldeo to keep going. Note the diverse mix
Vans stood in line outside Baldeo's law offices on Liberty Avenue to provide transportation for the many union workers and volunteers who blanketed the district. Here are TWU's.
Mobilizing unions workers to get out the vote
Working for the common good...
Instructing the teams to woo the Obama/ Addabbo/Crowley vote at key locations
Keeping the teams on their toes
32BJ Rocking the Vote! .
Baldeo working with torch lights and instructing volunteers until the polls close
Creating history!
"Thank you, Albert! We flipped the State Senate." Celebrating victory with our new State Senator Joe Addabbo election night.