Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weiner: Wrong for City to Trade Tax Breaks for Luxury Baseball Perks

Representative Anthony Weiner (D – Brooklyn and Queens), co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on the Middle Class, released the following statement today on news of the City's efforts to secure perks for a luxury suite at Yankees Stadium:

Rep. Weiner said, "It is wrong for city officials to trade tax breaks for luxury perks at a baseball stadium. During these challenging economic times, the City should have the Yankees repay the City for the value of these luxury boxes or auction them off. If city officials want to catch a game, they should purchase tickets just like every other New Yorker."

In October, Rep. Weiner released an analysis of luxury box perks at the new Yankee and Mets stadiums and found that the $1.3 million the City could retrieve from selling the luxury box perks would:

- Hire 29 new teachers
- Hire 30 new police officers
- Hire 36 new firefighters
- Build 1 new little league field