With many of our neighborhood supermarkets closing in Queens, this is a fortunate day for Queens Village residents...With help from Assemblymember Mark S. Weprin (D-Little Neck), the Food Dynasty in Queens Village has a new twenty-year lease to remain at its current location, 220-46 Hillside Avenue. When negotiations were stalled on the renewal of the lease that was set to expire at the end of February, Assemblymember Weprin took action to save the supermarket. Mr. Weprin contacted the landlord’s attorney to encourage the resumption of talks. Negotiations then progressed, and the landlord and store owner
have now reached an agreement.
“I am so pleased that we have retained the supermarket,” said Mark Weprin. “Our community cannot afford to lose the supermarket, which serves seniors as well as families with young children. Without this store, they would have had nowhere to shop for food in the neighborhood.”
Assemblymember Weprin thanks President Bobby Sher of Bell Park Manor Terrace and the residents of Bellerose Manor and Queens Village for their efforts in support of keeping the supermarket in the community.