First and foremost – we thank and congratulate Sens. Shirley Huntley and Joe Addabbo for changing their position on gay marriage. The two were the only remaining Queens Democrats who had previously voted against gay marriage; this week they said they changed their minds. Yes, we recognize that they perceived the issue to be in opposition of their constituents, and we are glad to see that the people they represent spoke up in great numbers to convince them to change their position.
We certainly realize that this is not a fait accompli. As of printing, there were only 31 Senators committed to voting in favor of granting members of the LGBT community the right to marry one another; 32 are needed, and a vote was expected by Friday.
This newspaper has taken great pride in championing what we feel is the basic equality of civil rights for all New Yorkers. If, indeed, the measure does pass, it will be a historic day in New York – and one of celebration here in Queens, home to one of the largest organized gay communities on the East Coast.
We patiently await the vote of the Senate. Do the right thing. We all should be equal.