The Post has never cared much for facts, but in this fight they're critical:
The Governor's cuts would be devastating. He proposes to balance the budget with $9 billion in cuts to classrooms, hospitals, libraries, nursing homes, environmental protection, foster care, social services that actually save us money in the long run, you name it. 2
We know painful cutbacks are inevitable. But his plan is lopsided. The Governor asks for sacrifice from everyone -- everyone, that is, except the wealthiest New Yorkers who could most afford to pay.
There's a better way. The Fair Share Tax Reform plan asks the wealthy to give back a reasonable portion of the generous tax cuts they've received so we can stop the worst of the Governor's cuts.
Who would pay? You have to earn close to $6,000 per week to be touched by this plan. No one likes to pay taxes, but this group is best able to weather a modest decline in their take-home pay.3
The Post has learned nothing from the collapse of Bush's right-wing economic policies, but most economists have. Hundreds of New York's leading economists (including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz) have called on Gov. Paterson to reconsider his approach. Their view: raise taxes on the wealthy instead of focusing entirely on cutbacks that hit the middle-class, working-class and poor.4
The reasoning is simple - slashing public spending will not only cause real pain for working families, it will reduce economic activity. It's the exact opposite of what President Obama's stimulus plan is trying to accomplish.
Fair Share Tax Reform is, well, fair. Because of decades of tax cuts skewed toward the rich, the highest state income tax rate starts at just $20,000 a year, meaning Donald Trump pays the same rate as his limo drivers and doormen. A 10 year-old could tell you that's lopsided.
Here's the good news: our campaign is gaining steam. Last week, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced his support for raising taxes on the wealthy, asking rhetorically: "Is it fair to ask the people who make more to pay a little bit more in this time of crisis?"
NY Alliance for HealthCare Reform will address the members and general public of neighboring communities of Glendale, Ridgewood, Maspeth,and Middle Village on the proposed budget cuts to healthcare and the devastating impact on all New Yorkers.
Time: Wednesday, February 11 - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Host: NY Alliance for HealthCare Reform
Contact Phone: 917 593-0042
Location: Christ the King HS (Middle Village, NY)
6802 Metropolitan Ave Middle Village, NY 11379
1. "YOU HURT, THEY PROSPER" New York Post, February 9, 2009. http://www.nypost.com/seven/02092009/postopinion/editorials/you_hurt__they_prosper_154177.htm
2. See the cuts Gov. Paterson has proposed: http://fairsharereform.com/content/pages/the_cuts
3. Read about the Fair Share Tax Reform plan: http://fairsharereform.com/content/pages/fair_share_plan
4. Read the economists' letter: http://fairsharereform.com/economists